Are you having issues with your current website?
From 404 pages not found to websites not loading, there are numerous issues which could be affecting your website.
Common websites code errors
- 500 – Internal Server Error: If you see this error it means that your website is asking your hosting server to do something it can’t. Most times its a configuration error in one of the main hosting files.
- 404 – Not Found: If you see this error on your website its telling you that there is a broken link (missing pages) somewhere on site.
- 403 – Forbidden: This error is related to file permissions on the website and also website configuration files in the backend.
Note: To fix these errors contact your hosting provider or a website developer and quote the error. In most cases these errors can be solved in a hour or two.

Website loading issues
Some reasons why your website is slow to load or fail are
- Hosting provider. Sometimes hosting providers have schedule server maintenance or in extreme cases servers/ website files been hacked.
- Large images been uploaded to website. No images should be larger then 2MB.
- To many plugins running on your website backend.
- Corrupt plugins and files on the website backend.
- Hosting web space exceeded.
Note: To fix these issues contact your hosting provider or a website developer.
Security issues and certification
Other issues which could affect your website are security and certification.
- Webistes can be easily hacked: Always keep your plugins and if your website is run on WordPress or another CMS updated, when patches are relased. Also backup your website regularly.
- Pick the right hosting provider: Do your research and look at reviews. Some hosting providers don’t monitor there servers regulary therefore they are open for hackers to take down your website and compromise your personal details.
- Usernames and password: If your website is run on WordPress or another CMS based system then always have a strong username and password and always change your password regulary.
- SSL Certificate Padlock: If you don’t have SSL padlock your at risk. First of all Google will flag your website in the search results page saying “This website is not secure do you want to proceed?” – Having a SSL padlock installed, will also make it harder for hackers to steal personal information- To install an SSL padlock speak to your hosting/Domain provider.
If your website is not running like it should, our website inspection package will help. With our checklist we will inspect your website from the inside out.